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This page shows how to save and load back the config

Display config to terminal

<code>show config</code>

Save config

First it needs to be saved to a file on the switch:

<code>show config outfile slot1/keller_config.cfg</code>

Then this file needs to be copied off the switch (via tftp to the server). For this, the server needs to support tftp uploads. By default, the Tftp daemon on the server should support this, provided that

  • it is running (start it, if needed by setting <code>disable </code> no= in the <code>/etc/xinetd.d/tftp</code> file, and doing an <code>rcxinetd reload</code>)
  • the target file already exists (under the <code>/tftpboot</code> root), and is publically writable. If necessary, create it as follows:

<pre> mkdir /tftpboot/switch-config touch /tftpboot/switch-config/keller_config.cfg chmod 666 /tftpboot/switch-config/keller_config.cfg </pre>

This creates an empty <code>keller_config.cfg</code> file with the correct permissions.

When ready, enter the following command on the switch:

<code>copy slot1/kellerconfig.cfg tftp://</code>

This should now overwrite the placeholder <code>keller_config.cfg</code> file with its real contents.

If there are problems with this command, just use <code>show config</code> and copy-paste the output to a file using the mouse ;-)

Restore config

First (if needed) you need to copy the config file from the server to the switchs flash memory via tftp

<code>copy tftp:// slot1/kellerconfig.cfg</code>

Then you need to apply it:

<code>configure slot1/keller_config.cfg</code>